under guise of protection

Prior to the outbreak…

…identified …who were suspected

…kept under surveillance.

…government suspicion

…raised logistical, constitutional, and ethical objections.

…issued Public Proclamation

…made violation of …a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison

…Because of the perception of "public danger,"

…persons were sent to "assembly centers" – often racetracks or fairgrounds – where they waited and were tagged to indicate the location of a long-term "relocation center"

…loss of property and personal liberty.

…these conditions for nearly three years or more

…took on some familiar routines of socializing and school.

…dissidents were housed.

…citizens challenged the constitutionality of the relocation and curfew orders

Operational Considerations for Humanitarian Settings


Household (HH) Level:

A specific room/area designated for high-risk individuals who are physically isolated from other HH members.

Movement/ Interactions

Low-risk HH members should not enter the green zone. If entry is necessary, it should be done only by healthy individuals after washing hands and using face coverings. Interactions should be at a safe distance (approx. 2 meters). Minimum movement of high-risk individuals outside the green zone. Low-risk HH members continue to follow social distancing and hygiene practices outside the house.


Neighborhood Level:

A designated shelter/group of shelters (max 5-10 households), within a small camp or area where high-risk members are grouped together. Neighbors “swap” households to accommodate high-risk individuals.

Movement/ Interactions

Same as above


Camp/Sector Level:

A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together.

Movement/ Interactions

One entry point is used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.

By the way…

there is no empirical evidence whether this approach will increase, decrease or have no effect on morbidity and mortality