mask ineffectiveness

…while higher ventilation capacities are required to fully mitigate aerosol build-up, even relatively low air-change rates (2h−12 h−1) lead to lower aerosol build-up compared to the best performing mask in an unventilated space.

…considerable relative aerosol concentration levels can be reached at a 2 m distance from the subject in an unventilated space, and even when the subject is equipped with a mask,

…increased ventilation/air-cleaning capacity significantly reduces the transmission risk in an indoor environment, surpassing the apparent mask filtration efficacy even at relatively low air-change rates (∼2∼2 room volumes per hour).

…no mask at an air-change rate of 1.7h−11.7 h−1 (and higher) outperform cases with high-efficiency masks (KN95 and R95) and no room ventilation.