Phthat has implications

Face masks - A potential source of phthalate exposure for human

…the face mask is usually made from polymers and phthalates are widely-used additives into the polymers, the face mask could be a potential source of phthalate exposure to humans.

In this study, twelve phthalates were determined in 56 mask samples collected from different countries. The phthalates were detected in all the samples with total levels ranging from 115 ng/g to 37,700 ng/g. Estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of the phthalates from the masks ranged from 3.71 to 639 ng/kg-bw/day, and the EDIs of the phthalates from masks for toddlers were approximately 4-5 times higher than those for adults.

This review of the recent literature suggests that early life and adult exposure to phthalates may contribute to adverse cardiovascular health, with changes in BP and risk of atherosclerosis. With this evidence, it is important to inform the population about these risks and to promote public health. In order to do that, sources and routes of phthalate exposure must be of public awareness so they can be greatly reduced, especially in vulnerable populations, pregnant women, children, and the elderly.